
19 April 2013

Forgetful Friday, Polson, Montana

Well, since I apparently can't keep tabs on what day it is, I found myself without a post ready for today. So, I've decided to re-post a favourite photo of Flathead Lake, taken last spring.

I've always been calmed and comforted by views of vast water, so was thrilled to read recently that neuroscience has found a beneficial connection between the brain calm and expansive views, such as the ocean or wide grasslands.  So, eat your kelp and go to the beach, for your own good.

18 April 2013

Fishing Hope, Victor, Montana

My two oldest nephews visited every summer of their growing up years, always with unflagging hope to acquire a grand fishing story. They were out in the daylight as early & late as allowed, tromping miles of river and stream bank paths - and often un-paths. Sporting scratched shins, multiple mosquito bites, and irrepressible grins, they’d arrive home to tell their tales over dinner, then crash hard for a solid night’s sleep - waking ready to continue the quest for a perfect fishing hole.

17 April 2013

Farm With A View, Victor, Montana

Spring means yard work - raking, mowing, tidying planting beds - also known as “a great exercise opportunity”. I actually prefer exercise with a built in purpose: a walk that includes conversation with a friend or a useful destination like the library or post office, yard work that yields a visibly completed task, weight lifting while listening to an informative ebook. An extra objective makes for stronger motivation to put down my current book and get moving.

16 April 2013

Canyon Clouds, Mill Creek Canyon, Corvallis, Montana

Spring in the Rockies basically means winter’s not yet over.

The ritual first mowing of our lawn in Hamilton, Montana, was blessed with sunshine and blue sky peppered with fluffy white clouds - which contributed intermittent flurries of pellet-y snow! After late March weather in the balmy 60s F, our daytime forecast this week dips back below freezing. Good thing I procrastinated tucking any sweaters up on the top shelf.

15 April 2013

Streaming View, Victor, Montana

Sunday found me driving down the Bitterroot Valley to work at our little house before showing it to a potential buyer. The roadside views were gloriously distracting; thankfully, I had time to stop and capture some of what caught my attention.

14 April 2013

Reflected,Identity, Clark Fork River, Missoula, Montana

The “M” on Mount Sentinel is part and parcel of Missoula’s identity - not quite the same way “M” contributes to the identity of James Bond, but still important. Peer closely to see the zig-zag trail leading up the the massive letter, & add it to your list of hikes when you visit the Garden City. (A half hour of heavy breathing never hurt anyone, right?)