
03 May 2014

Vacancy:Seasonal Mountain Home, Missoula, Montana

Vacancy: Mountain cottage - available immediately.  
Secluded neighborhood.
Cozy seasonal digs for the close-knit family. 
Enjoy mountain sunset views from the front porch.

02 May 2014

SunTwirl, Missoula, Montana

sparsely rhymed

greening to the light

fresh start
spring heart
winter dreams beknight


01 May 2014

Willowy, Missoula, Montana

I walked amidst willowy tresses swaying in spring's breeze like a silent beaded curtain echoing the movement of a recent passer-through. 

A slight knee bend brought this willow strand end to eye level view, where it paused momentarily for a vainglorious photo op.

Happy May!

30 April 2014

Winding Up To Sky, Missoula, Montana

“The landscape was tidy and bare...Nothing had begun to grow yet in the waiting country side....
It was going to be all right. This was what he had needed, this wide silence, this space, this serenity. 

He had forgotten how benevolent the place was, how satisfying. The near hills were round and green and kind; beyond them were farther ones, stained blue by the distance. And behind all stood the long rampart of the Highland line, white and remote against the calm sky.”- Josephine Tey, from “The Singing Sands”, p. 21

29 April 2014

Tree Blossoms, Missoula, Montana

Many tree species usher in spring with a blossom-like confection that humbly serves as harbinger of its final seed pod. Keep your eyes peeled for a frothy version near you!

“Lord save us all from a hope tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms.” - Mark Twain (1835-1910)

28 April 2014

Roundness, Missoula, Montana

“I am not a smart man, particularly, but one day, at long last, I stumbled from the dark woods of my own, and my family's, and my country's past, holding in my hands these truths: that love grows from the rich loam of forgiveness; that mongrels make good dogs; that the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things. This much, at least, I've figured out. I know this much is true.”
Wally Lamb, “I Know This Much Is True

27 April 2014

Rocky Ground, Missoula, Montana

“We've been traveling over rocky ground, rocky ground…
There's a new day coming…”
Bruce Springsteen, from
Rocky Ground, on the album “Wrecking Ball”

“For the longest time, I've felt like I inherited a plot of land of rocky soil and was required, for my survival and my livelihood, to farm it alone. The image is so clear I can see it….but no matter how hard I tried to bust the rocks, …there were more rocks underneath the rocks. And you know what happens with rocky soil - nothing really grows in it. So, in my mind, I stopped going out to try to bust the rocks with a hoe. …And one at a time, I remove the rocks with my hands and make a pile by the side of the field. Soon I can start constructing a stone-and-mortar foundation… I can see that house and chimney growing, clearly, as well. It's beautiful and rustic and rough, but rough in a pleasing way.

So I take out a few rocks at a time and I work on just one row of the field at a time. There's still nothing growing in the field, but something keeps telling me, "The time for the harvest is not now. Keep working the soil and preparing your foundation." “ - from on-line discussion “

Farming the rocky soil” at