
10 July 2015

Grass Seeding - Missoula, Montana

"There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice." - John Calvin (1509-1564)

09 July 2015

Bright Spot - Missoula, Montana

Despite the persistent heat, Mount Sentinel boasts vibrant varieties of blooming wildflowers, including this bright blanketflower.
In the interests of preserving natural flora, aforementioned blanketflower included, the M trail is rife with signs reminding travelers to keep to the trail. Bear in mind that the main path to the giant M consists entirely of ELEVEN huff-puff inducing switchbacks, divided amongst 620 vertical feet, with only steep and wire fencing in between. I have to wonder if these admonishments exist thanks to some crazed coed who hopped the fencing only to slide, screaming like a banshee, 600+ feet to the trailhead. THAT would definitely be a diversionary trail sighting! But bad for any wildflowers en route. So let's hope the signs are merely a theory-based preventative.

08 July 2015

Current Flow - Clark Fork River, Montana

“May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.”  - Rainer Maria Rilke, published in Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God

07 July 2015

Wafting Weeds - Clark Fork River, Montana

'Wafting seaweed, or perhaps the view flying high above "...the bright-coloured tufts of the Truffila Trees, Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze...".
(Thank you, Dr. Seuss, for investing us with your imaginative whimsy!)

06 July 2015

Dry Grass View - Missoula, Montana

"And I'd like to give my love to everybody,  and let them know that the grass may look greener on the other side, but believe me, it's just as hard to cut." - Little Richard

05 July 2015

Top O' the M-ornin' - Missoula, Montana

Looking directly up from the last leg of Missoula's M trail on a clear day, here's your view; about ten more vertical feet and you've arrived at the popular destination 620 feet above the valley floor. If you are summit minded, you may continue on a side trail up and around the 100 foot wide and 125 foot long letter. If, like me, you are more in it for the company of your hiking buddy, you may wonder briefly what it would take to get a coffee and snow cone stand up there. Or you may just happily head down trail knowing increasing temps equate to high ice cream potential.