
06 March 2019

Somewhere Everywhere - Paradise, Montana

"...Somewhere always is an everywhere
Where the mountains and the snow grow down
In time, until, in winter's deep sleep, time
Grows balanced, and in quiet you can climb
A mountain and the snow no one can own..."

05 March 2019

Somewhere Snow - Paradise, Montana

"...Always somewhere in the air is snow
Of every kind, light, drifted, melting, deep
Especially, its liquid energy
Released come spring stored temporarily
Upon the mountains as through time they keep
Faith with cold nights where the foxes bark and roam.

04 March 2019

Somewhere Mountains - Paradise, Montana

"Somewhere in the dark is always mountains,
Years in mountains, mountains silent, standing
Inscrutable, big, rocky, piercing, sheer,
And hills, wrinkled and rippling, calling clear
Across their time, symbolic, real, and branding
Reality as cities boast a downtown....”