
26 June 2020

Bees Love Thistles - Missoula, Montana

Okay, maybe it's a little weird, but I sometimes like to watch bees about their business. They are just so very... busy! But in all my flower stalking (haha! get it?!), I haven't seen a bee as engaged as with this thistle. No dip-and-zip off to the next bloom for this little guy - he had clearly found a honey-love and was going to stay with it until he'd mined every pokey petal! In truth, I buzzed off before the bee, who was undeterred by my close-in camera ogling. High marks there for focus and perseverance, which was just the inspiration I needed this week on a couple thorny (snort!) tasks! So, go bee awesome! (Okay, my corniness is done here.)

23 June 2020

Narrow Doorway - B'Nai Israel Temple, Butte, Montana

“Every doorway, every intersection has a story.”
-Katherine Dunn (1945-2016)
(This pictured classic doorway is a side entrance to the B'nai Israel Temple in Butte, Montana. Read some of its story here.)

22 June 2020

Still Snow In Them Thar Hills - Bitterroot Mountains, Hamilton, Montana

A delight-full upside of these lingering rainy spring days is the extended viewing season of snow-capped mountains. (But I'm plenty ready for more sunshine, pretty please!)