
17 May 2012

Maple Green Details, Missoula, Montana

One result of posting a daily photo is that I notice more detail in my daily surroundings, such as how spring greening and budding is spaced out over a fair stretch of time. The tint of these maple leaves is still brightly new, yet other tree leaves have already progressed to deeper verde hues. A distance of merely 45 miles may also affect timing; when the grape hyacinths in our Missoula yard were fully blown, the ones at our Hamilton cottage still tightly clasped their buds.


  1. Cyndy - Thank you for posting these daily. I think it is a lot of work to do that consistently. My sister is thinking about doing a daily photo blog and we talked about how much effort it must take. I do look forward to your photos, I enjoy them - thanks!

    1. You are heartily welcome, and thanks for the encouragement, Scott! It's good personal exercise in self-discipline, and the doing of it reminds me how much I enjoy the photography. I hope your sis jumps in - if she has any questions that I could assist with, please have her contact me - I'm happy to help.


Your thoughts, please?