
09 December 2013

Berry Leftovers, Fish Creek, Alberton, Montana

Some people think leftovers are for the birds, but I heartily disagree. Well, except for the remaining berries pictured today, for which our twittering friends are probably exceedingly greatful this winter.
But in the human population, not everyone is so inclined.
I just don't understand this. In my family, leftovers are often more enjoyed than the original meal. Some things just taste better the next day. And the next day. And the next. Like the turkey soup I made from the Thanksgiving remains - turkey bones, fresh carrots and celery, a couple handfuls of brown rice, and a little bit of salt - simmer, and yum! Simple, and the perfect antidote to cold, cold weather. (Don't forget to take out the bones before eating.)
Here's hoping for a Christmas turkey carcass in my near future.

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