
02 April 2015

April Island - Missoula, Montana

"Our daydreams rush ahead of feet to picnic’s by the creek...

Of daisy-dappled ditches, wave-washed beaches, grass terrains..." - From 'April' by Janet Martin

(Always a delight to stop by Another Porch!)


  1. Blessings to you this April and Easter, Cyndy.

    I find this shot insanely appealing. there's something about the bits of leftover fall reappearing in spring that makes wonderful art!

  2. Perhaps a visual representation of our motley past giving birth to , or being foundation to, new growth?
    Hmmm... turns out it's an appropriate Easter week picture...
    There's my deep thought for today. :-)
    And happy Easter to you and yours, also!


Your thoughts, please?