

04 August 2012

Bale-ful Glance, Lolo, Montana

After moving to Montana, my middle sister and I would exclaim, "Shredded wheat!", whenever we'd see round hay bales like these south of Lolo, Montana. If you make the correlation, you've dated your range of experience, shall we say. For the unknowing, shredded wheat cereal used to be shaped in round biscuits, also referred to as muffets.

03 August 2012

Public Library Reflections, Hamilton, Montana

The Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton, Montana, has long been one of my favourite places, not only for the friendly staff and wealth of relevant services, but also for the beautiful side yard. Water skippers in the ditch, shady weeping birches, cheery flowers - what's not to love about the library?

02 August 2012

Privacy Wall, Hamilton, Montana

I have a slightly unusual preference for walking down back alleys to get where I need to go, albeit when in a safe small town. Alleys show more of life's serviceable side, and occasionally reveal delightfully chatty people in their back garden. This functional "Private Parking" signage, with the mellow bricks & contrasting angles of pipe and shadow, was featured in my journey from the Bitterroot Brewfest to the Public Library in downtown Hamilton, Montana.

01 August 2012

Shiny V8 Grill, Daly Days, Hamilton, Montana

The Show and Shine car show at Daly Days in downtown Hamilton, Montana, was chock full of curvaceous chrome and high-gloss beauties.  The lines & distinct features of classic cars never fail to draw me in to unusual perspectives.

31 July 2012

Library A-fish-iandos, Polson, Montana

“Hey, Jaxie! Word in the tank is Craig Johnson’s latest read will get you in a tailspin!”

I love public libraries. They each boast individual flair and coziness, but all share in common some of my favourite things: books and people who love books.

Upon entering the North Lake County Public Library in Polson, Montana, you’re greeted by dinner-size fish, who also love the library, making serene laps in a large tank bordering the children’s section. Part of my lake day was spent enjoying a reading nook which overlooks Sacajawea Park and Flathead Lake.

30 July 2012

Onions, Onions - Ha Ha Ha!, Hamilton, Montana

Onion and chive flowers have always pleased my eye for their perfect globular shape, especially when contrasted against darker vertical lines of upright onion stems. Looking closer, you see a world within a world, seeds of tomorrow's harvest hidden in the fading glory of today.

29 July 2012

Onion, Onions - Yah Yah Yah, Hamilton, Montana

"Ooooo.... I love onions!"  (Please, pretty please, click on the hyperlink & enjoy a favourite silly childhood song, lovingly foisted upon me by my delightful older sisters.)
I remember the onions in our family garden laying knocked over to cure. When they were ready, my mum or one of my grandparents would braid the tops together - particularly fascinating to the younger pigtailed me - to end up with lovely garlands of onions to hang in our root cellar over the winter.