

14 December 2020

Following - Missoula, Montana

 “ follow God does not often mean traveling with certainty about where God will lead us. Rather, following God propels us to be present to the place where we are, for this is the very place where God shows up.”
Jan L. Richardson,
Through the Advent Door: Entering a Contemplative Christmas

(FYI, today's photo is a little hot-summer-day infusion into a snowy week....) 

13 December 2020

True Christmas Spirit - Missoula, Montana

 My son-in-law LOOOVES Ferrero Rocher truffles (or whatever loveliness they’re classified as). So, of course I thought of him when a few came my way amidst other holiday treats. Then I texted these snaps to him, with a little pause in between. Yes, Virginia, the Christmas spirit is alive and well in Montana.  (And yes, I ate  it.)