

13 August 2016

Authentic Ambience - Lydia's Supper Club, Butte, Montana

Nothing croons 'supper club' quite like velvet upholstery - red on these pictured  dining room chairs, deeper wine red on the main room's curved banquettes, and raised floral patterned in the curtain valances and on the swivel chairs in the bar - and all original from Lydia's Supper Club's 1964 expansion. (Caveat: 'original' as determined by our deeply pondering dinner conversation segment on this topic.)

HIPSTER ALERT: Come to Butte, Montana - Lydia's Supper Club is your interior design Mecca.

For the rest of you: Come enjoy lingering dinner conversation - Lydia's iconic Butte Italian ambience comes replete with relish tray, ravioli, spaghetti, French fries and spumoni, and unlimited Montana hospitality.

(P.S. Note the stained glass panel on the right wall, one of Lydia's historic collection of 33.)

12 August 2016

Return Trip - Montana Resources, Butte, Montana

A CAT 793F 240-ton truck rolls along under the big Montana sky, headed for more to haul. Read a little more about these particular big beauties in this article in Butte's local paper, The Montana Standard.

11 August 2016

Gothic Arch Glass At Lydia's - Butte, Montana

Butte, Montana's iconic Lydia's Supper Club features a collection of 33 amazing stained glass windows, framed and backlit, as the primary wall decor. Today's sampling hangs in the bar and is described thus: "No. 20  Gothic arch stained glass with antiqued engraving in the rear. Red and green. From a church in Bath, England. 1798."

09 August 2016

Freight Train - Missoula, Montana

"Quite possibly there's nothing as fine as a big freight train starting across country in early summer, Hardesty thought. That's when you learn that the tragedy of plants is that they have roots."

08 August 2016

Forest Fire After - Livingston, Montana

"...But clouds bellied out in the sultry heat, the sky cracked open with a crimson gash, spewed flame-and the ancient forest began to smoke. By morning there was a mass of booming, fiery tongues, a hissing, crashing, howling all around, half the sky black with smoke, and the bloodied sun just barely visible...."

07 August 2016