"Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul."
Within 5 minutes into my lunchtime walk, I realized that, despite the warming optimism of much-awaited sunshine, I should have worn my toque. Especially as a recent shearing has again left my little ears fully out in the weather. "Cold ears, warm heart" is not a meaningful mantra. A belated temperature check revealed a still-brisk 26 degrees F - that's -3 Celsius, by the way. Loathe to turn back for a wee chill in the air, I was saved by the Aha! moment: an ample scarf can cover both neck AND head! Wrapped somewhat more elegantly than the scarf mummification of childhood, I carried on, ears intact and warming. Ah, the multiple joys of Pashmina!
May your hearts be warm this Valentine's Day - and your ears, too!