

28 April 2012

Lonely Docks, Flathead Lake, Somers, Montana

I actually turned around & came back to these empty, off-season docks near Somers, Montana, on the upper west shore of Flathead Lake.  They exuded such an elegant starkness, patiently waiting for the return of higher water, optimistic fishermen, & busy boaters.

27 April 2012

Forsythia on Red Door, Kalispell, Montana

Forsythia  - which is on my list of "plants to acquire" - adds to the cheery welcome of this red door at Christ Church Episcopal, just down the block from my friend's new home in Kalispell. (Funny enough, even though I took about 20 varied shots, it wasn't until I got home & zoomed in to check photo quality that I clued in that the blooms are silk!)

26 April 2012

Fritillaria Flopping, Hamilton, Montana

The fritillaria buds flop down through the leaves, until the full blooms resemble a fanciful chandelier.
Just wait & see.

25 April 2012

Flowering Pear Buds II, Hamilton, Montana

A little more traditional view of flowering pear buds - but I bet you can’t help but see the gryphon paw, since I mentioned it yesterday.

22 April 2012