

11 October 2013

The Story of the '64 Ford Falcon - Missoula to Texas

Hooray! The official Nash brothers story of the '64 Ford Falcon is officially available for viewing.
Carve out 10 minutes to enjoy - and have a couple tissues (or a shop rag) handy, as it's a tender family tale.

Video crafted into the wee hours by Tom K. Nash. (aka The Best Husband Ever)

10 October 2013

Squeeze Me, Missoula, Montana

A fat meandering cat would be wise to be wary of turning into this narrow passage.

With barely snuggle room between the external walls, the construction process of the second of these two historic brick buildings would have been interesting to observe.

09 October 2013

Blue Gate, Missoula, Montana

Perhaps a blue alley gate is the urbanite equivalent of painting a country mailbox blue

(PleasePleasePlease take a happy tune break and listen to Taj Mahal sing "I'm Gonna Paint My Mailbox Blue" - just click on the link in “mailbox blue”!)

08 October 2013

Rustic History, Fort Missoula, Montana

Split rail fences are an adaptable barrier, and early settlers in Montana’s west were all about adaptability.

Historically built where hardware was a scarce commodity, they can also be dismantled - in part or whole - if rails are later needed for other purposes.

07 October 2013

Yarrow Brights, Stevensville, Montana

The bright blooms of
yarrow complement the silver shades of willow and rail. With temps dropping below freezing at night, the leaves and grasses at Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge will quickly change into autumn clothes.

06 October 2013

Survivor, Missoula, Montana

Perhaps it's the people whose lives have taken sudden new twists - people who have learned to embrace the creative possibilities of change - who stand the best chance of penetrating life's mysteries. -
Hugh Mackay

I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do.  -
Willa Cather, 1913