

17 April 2015

X-Y Intersections - Missoula, Montana

“Language is, then… the horizontal surface or plane, the centre of which is always the consciousness of the writer, as in perspective the center of the bounding circle of the horizon is always the eye of the observer. To this Barthes  adds the writer’s style which “has only a vertical dimension, it plunges into the close recollection of the person…” Together, these two, language and style, function for Barthes as coordinates, the horizontal and the vertical axes, which order the writer’s world: “A language is… a horizon, and style a vertical dimension, which together map out for the writer a Nature, since he does not choose either. The language functions negatively, as the initial limit of the possible; style is a necessity which binds the writer’s humour to his form of expression.” Language and style thus become the Cartesian coordinates, the x-y axes, which in Barthes analytical geometry of literature permits the definition of writing, of created literary form, as the equivalent of geometrical form in the Cartesian sense.” - from ‘Painting and Poetry: Form, Metaphor, and the Language of Literature’ By Franklin R. Rogers, Mary Ann Rogers, pages 100-101

16 April 2015

Primrose - Missoula, Montana

"Ring-ting! I wish I were a primrose,

A bright yellow primrose blowing in the spring!

The stooping boughs above me,

The wandering bee to love me,

The fern and moss to creep across,

And the elm-tree for our king!"

- William Allingham (1824-1889)

15 April 2015

Lilacs En Route - Missoula, Montana

“I want to help you to grow as beautiful as God meant you to be when He thought of you first.”George MacDonald  (1824-1905)

14 April 2015

Pollen-Dusted - Missoula, Montana

“I made myself a glass of chocolate milk using enough syrup for three normal glasses. I also made myself four peanut butter crackers. Then I walked out the living room door to our terrace.
The trees were coming!
New green was all over ... green so new that it was kissing yellow.”
-E.L. Konigsburg
,"Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley and Me, Elizabeth"

13 April 2015

April Snow - Missoula, Montana

Ahh, spring in Montana!
Just as blossoms lull to thinking it's really time to put away the winter hats, we wake to an April skiff of snow.
Always a surprise, ever a delight.

12 April 2015

Wall Art - Missoula, Montana

“Art is an evolutionary act. The shape of art and its role in society is constantly changing. At no point is art static. There are no rules.” 
― Raymond Salvatore HarmonBOMB: A Manifesto of Art Terrorism