"Sometimes a man walks into the night and does not understand why he cannot see. He blames himself for the dark he is in.”
- Henry Meloux in Manitou Canyon, p.107, by William Kent Krueger
"Sometimes a man walks into the night and does not understand why he cannot see. He blames himself for the dark he is in.”
- Henry Meloux in Manitou Canyon, p.107, by William Kent Krueger
“He didn't hear anything except flakes settling on pine and hemlock needles, a sound that was almost, but not quite, silence.”
-from Through the Evil Days by Julia Spencer-Fleming
“For the world is--allow us the homely figure--the human being turned inside out. All that moves in the mind is symbolized in Nature.” - George MacDonald (1824–1905), in 1867 essay The Imagination: Its Function and its Culture