

28 January 2017

Wintry Quiet Things 1 - Missoula, Montana

"...We are quiet now
The deeds we’ve rendered to this day
Are like small seeds in the ground
Eventually they’ll have their say..."

- from Quiet by Janet Martin

Stop by Another Porch...A Poetry Blog for more lovely verse - perfect with your daily cuppa!

27 January 2017

Gummy Yummy - Missoula, Montana (by way of Korea)

Delightful colleague S. gifted to me this yummy Skinfood Gummy Bear Dark  Chocolate Hand Butter - with ingredients in Korean to prevent me from thinking about it too much to just enjoy the gift.
But I do, enjoy the gift, I mean. It's not only adorable but also smells sooo good!  
I'm thinking of taking up sucking my thumb again.

26 January 2017

Grey Transformed - Rattlesnake Creek, Missoula, Montana

"But soon, he knew. It would come soon enough. And the gray November would be transformed into a bright sparkling wonderland of skiing and skating. Of snowball fights, and snow forts and snowmen, and angels made in snow that had fallen from the heavens."

- from A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny, page 2

24 January 2017

23 January 2017

Bone Cold - Clark Fork River, Missoula, Montana

"A damp wind was sweeping across the flatlands, carrying moisture from melting snow and ice, for hundreds of miles, and depositing it in their bones."

- from A Great Reckoning by Louise Penny, page 96