

21 May 2016

Sky Beyond Close Spring Leaves - Missoula, Montana

the intense 
fame of this 
daytime canopy
above me,
I don't know

lacks a wax 
crayon christened  
Montana Sky.

a feasibility study
even the 120 count 
box would not 
be big enough.


20 May 2016

Green Pastures - Corvallis, Montana

"...You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
You find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
You let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction...  
Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life...."
- King David, from Psalm 23, The Message Translation

19 May 2016

Fairy Chairs - Missoula, Montana

"Sometimes you will find mushrooms inside the ring, and these are fairy chairs that the servants have forgotten to clear away. The chairs and the rings are the only tell-tale marks these little people leave behind them, and they would remove even these were they not so fond of dancing that they toe it till the very moment of the opening of the gates."
- from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937)

18 May 2016

Small Pink Flower - Missoula, Montana

"If someone loves a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions and millions of stars, that's enough to make him happy when he looks at the stars. He tells himself 'My flower's up there somewhere...' But if the sheep eats the flower, then for him it's as if, suddenly, all the stars went out. And that isn't important?" 

17 May 2016

One Little Rock - Missoula, Montana

"Looking at numbers as groups of rocks may seem unusual, but actually it's as old as math itself. The word "calculate" reflects that legacy -- it comes from the Latin word calculus, meaning a pebble used for counting. 
To enjoy working with numbers you don't have to be Einstein (German for "one stone"), but it might help to have rocks in your head." 

16 May 2016

Horse Pasture - Grantsdale, Montana

"But through all changes so far, the farm had endured. Its cycles of cropping and grazing, thought and work, were articulations of its wish to cohere and to last. The farm, so to speak, desired all of its lives to flourish.
Athey was not exactly, or not only, what is called a "landowner." He was the farm's farmer, but also its creature and belonging. He lived its life, and it lived his; he knew that, of the two lives, his was meant to be the smaller and the shorter."  

15 May 2016

I Just Want The Catnip Bunny - Missoula, Montana

"Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want." Joseph Wood Krutch (1893-1970)