

21 January 2012

But Can He Shovel the Walk?

From the 14-plus inches of snow we received earlier this week, this is my favourite snow-creature.
And, yes, off to the right is the big kid who made it - can't you tell from his grin?

20 January 2012

19 January 2012

Old Shed Ruminations, Hamilton, Montana

"The long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown. Nothing is impossible."

18 January 2012

Respite of Green, Stevensville, Montana

I don't know about bushels of fun, but it's been snowing & blowing in most of Montana this week.So, here's a wee sprig of reminder that snow adds up to a green spring.

17 January 2012

Teller Wildlife Refuge, Corvallis, Montana

Deciding spontaneously to take a walk down by the Bitterroot River near Corvallis, Montana, I then paused to wonder if any version of hunting was still allowed in the river bottom

16 January 2012

Making Tracks, Bitterroot River, Teller Wildlife Refuge

I'm not sure if they enjoyed the view, but several other critters stopped at this sandy point before I did.
How many different tracks can you see?

15 January 2012

Seasonal Seeds, Corvallis, Montana

You never know what you'll find walking in the forest - or down the main street of Corvallis, Montana.