

06 July 2024

Wildflower Seedhead - Bluebird Preserve Trail, Missoula, Montana

"One kind thing is the seed from which a great goodness grows. It is not hope we hold to, Niece. It is belief in the power of that growing goodness. Migwech. Chi migwech."

-Henry Meloux in Windigo Island, Cork O’Connor series by William Kent Krueger, p. 170

04 July 2024

Flag Flying Free - (& Brewery) - Philipsburg, Montana

“A free will is not the liberty to do whatever one likes, but the power of doing whatever one sees ought to be done, even in the very face of otherwise overwhelming impulse. There lies freedom indeed.” -George MacDonald (1824–1905)

(& if you head to Philipsburg, Montana for the legendary Sweet Palace, they’re open every day but Saturday. 

23 June 2024

Summer Sunset Leafglow - Missoula, Montana

 “…Evening strains to be time’s vĂ¡st, ' womb-of-all,    home-of-all, hearse-of-all night.
Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west….”
  -from Spelt from Sibyl’s Leaves by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889)

14 June 2024

Built To Last - 1901 Cornerstone, Butte, Montana

Strolling downtown Butte, Montana allowed new perspective on this Masonic architectural icon, in perfect conjunction with Monday’s devotional cornerstone analogy. (Thank you, Jennie Allen.)

Also stirs grateful rememberings of turning life corners out of darker trails. (Although I do have a penchant for alley meandering…perhaps more pondering to be had on this one!) 

12 May 2024

Mother’s Day Garden Bouquet - Missoula, Montana

Happy Mother’s Day to me - and you! - from our very own little Missoula spring garden! (Even a few of those persistent carrotty frondy weeds came in handy as lovely filler!)  
May our hearts seek to find pieces toward a veritable bouquet of gratitude, even as we walk through struggle, and are waiting for strength again.

11 May 2024

Mountain Layers, Aerial View - Somewhere Over Western Montana

“It still floors me, how the mountains are not the same any two days in a row. As if hundreds of copies of those mountains exist and each dawn brings in a fresh one, of new color, new prominence of some feature over the others, a different wrapping of cloud or rinse of sun for this day's version.” -Jick McCaskill, in English Creek by Ivan Doig (1939-2015), p. 77 

04 May 2024

Bouquets Blooming - Missoula, Montana

Blushing bouquets blooming everywhere, even as’ I donned my winter hat and gloves against the chill promise (we hope!!!) of snow in the hills.