

26 July 2018

Repetition - Missoula, Montana

Practice builds habits
Our habits are our character
When it comes to virtue, practice “makes a very great difference — or rather, all the difference.” 
- Eric Greitens, Resilience

(Y'all think some deep thoughts, now, on how repetition and resilience and bees and coneflower patterns all tie together...then let me know how you connected these particular dots!)

25 July 2018

Everyday Miracles - Missoula, Montana

There are two ways you can live your life:
as though nothing is a miracle,
as though everything is a miracle.”

(Omigosh -  thank you, Janet Martin, for painting another great word image:
 "...The fervor of [today's] live-laugh-love / Unfurling from God’s kiss."
Read Janet's full poem in the preceding text link - or here, if not obvious.)

(& many thanks to a dedicated child sponsor for this quote, included in Comments at this moving & motivating blog post from Compassion International.)

23 July 2018

Quiet Reflection.- Missoula, Montana

Today's gorgeous evening view overlooking Missoula is courtesy of Pat Richards, who also shares her hands-on India / Asia perspectives at
Thanks, Pat, for always making the time to share your guest blogger Montana perspectives!

In moments of quiet reflection, I begin to see clearer the depths of who I am. 
Are the waters of my soul still, clear, reflecting light?
I pray it is so.

For the world beyond deserves to see beauty, light and life in me.