

05 June 2015

Doubt Blossoms - Missoula, Montana

“I don't need you to agree with me," she said quietly. "I'll go away happy with a little bit of doubt. Doubt is good. It's an emotion we can build on. Perhaps if we feed it with curiosity it will blossom into something useful, like suspicion - and action.”

04 June 2015

Apple Blossoms - Missoula, Montana

“Round them danced the sunbeams bright,
Green the grass-lawn stretched before them
While the apple blossoms white
Hung in rich profusion o’er them.” 

– from Apple Blossoms by Will Carleton (1845-1912)

02 June 2015

Spring Pinks - Missoula, Montana

"A profusion of pink roses
bending ragged in the rain
speaks to me
of all gentleness and its enduring."
 - from The Collected Later Poems of William Carlos Williams 

Angling for a close in view of ornamental fruit blossoms, I anticipate this year's yet-to-come blowsy peonys and luscious summer roses - in the height of their glories, fragrantly beckoning from half a block away. It's hard to believe it's already June - but all of summer is yet to arrive, ours for the daily taking in. Tis a soul-restoring thing to be out under the vast sky, even just to sit on the front doorstep, reading in a Saturday sunbeam.

01 June 2015

Bee & Blossoms - Missoula, Montana

Sunday's flash hailstorm shut down May and decimated any remaining spring blossoms, so I figured I may as well extend the bloom time via a few days' worth of petal homage.

31 May 2015

Seen Sunset - Missoula, Montana

"There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.” - Jo Walton