

07 November 2018

Poured Out Autumn Palette - Missoula, Montana

“One should be a painter.
As a writer, I feel the beauty,
 which is almost entirely colour,
 very subtle, very changeable,
 running over my pen,
 as if you poured a large jug of champagne over a hairpin.”

  from The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume Six, 1936-1941

06 November 2018

Snowberries Reprise - Missoula, Montana

“Birds sing after a storm; why shoudn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"

 - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (1890-1995)

05 November 2018

Daily Dose: Joy - Missoula, Montana

“Don't postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. 
Joy is your lesson. 
  - Alan Cohen

And joy is so often found in the simple, small things of life - including the perfect light of a storm-sky morning that causes snowberries to almost glow against the backdrop of Mount Jumbo.