

31 March 2013

Easter Wings, Missoula, Montana

Easter Wings

By George Herbert 1593–1633

Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
      Though foolishly he lost the same,
            Decaying more and more,
                  Till he became
                        Most poore:
                        With thee
                  O let me rise
            As larks, harmoniously,
      And sing this day thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.

My tender age in sorrow did beginne
      And still with sicknesses and shame.
            Thou didst so punish sinne,
                  That I became
                        Most thinne.
                        With thee
                  Let me combine,
            And feel thy victorie:
         For, if I imp my wing on thine,
Affliction shall advance the flight in me.

(Note: Be sure to read the archaic definition of "imp", as relates to falconry.
And check out the cool old manuscripts and discussion at the link in the poem title.)


  1. I am a fan of Herbert and John Donne. Another favorite is Gerard Manley Hopkins, who wrote much later, but with rich images, particularly the one that starts "Glory be to God for dappled things."

    Please consider finding an image that would fit with this poem. Thank you. The feather photo is original


    Link to Pied Beauty.


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