

29 January 2015

Long View - Adel Mountains, Montana

The Adel Mountains present a 40 mile long swath of upstanding volcanic rock. While its geography doesn’t allow much in the way of recreational opportunity, there is a short walking trail at the Scenic Viewpoint pullout, where the view draws your eye off to the restful space of distant mountains and endless blue sky.

According to the observant blogging folks at the Montana Natural History Center, this formation is comprised of “…a rare type of intrusive igneous rock known as shonkinite, which is found only in Montana, British Columbia, Ontario, and the Indonesian island of Timor. It’s similar to basalt but more brittle, and principally contains augite and a type of feldspar.”

There you have it.


  1. oh, I like this, 'restful space of distant mountain and blue sky'

  2. Saved as a favorite, I really like your site!


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