Easter morning, for most of my adult life, included a phone
call to my grandma to exchange the Paschal Greeting she taught me, this being
some of the few words of Ukrainian I still remember. (Other key phrases in my
repertoire are standard in every traveler guidebook, I'm sure: 'You're gonna get
in trouble!' and 'He/She is crazy', this last having a literal translation
along lines of being beat about the head with a sack too much.)
While my life is blessed by loving family who share the thankfulness of all that Easter means, I shall forever miss my grandma's voice
across the miles:
Христос воскрес! Воістину воскрес!
(Pronounced:Khrystos voskres! Voyistynu voskres!
Translated: "Christ is risen!" / "He is
risen, Indeed!")
But what a beautiful thing to miss.
He is risen indeed! Our heritage gives us a strong foundation for life and faith.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Perpetual items on my "thankfulness list"!