

24 November 2015

Operation Christmas Child - Missoula, Montana

Sixty boxes packed by River of Life's families join the thousands of boxes headed out from Clark Fork City Church, one of Missoula's central collection points for Operation Christmas Child, a division of global relief agency Samaritan's Purse The worldwide goal for 2015 is to distribute 11 million shoeboxes to children who need not only small hygiene and gift items, but also a tangible reminder that they are precious. 

To share some personalized Shoebox love via their new, year-round opportunity, go to


  1. Last night I was part of a huge group who did final checks through Samaritan's Purse shoe boxes before they were packed in huge containers for shipping. It was a great experience and I discovered something...for every boys box there were likely 50 girls boxes. This is such a fantastic program and a small way to share big love!

  2. Such a great thing to do together with the local and global God family!
    Interesting on the ratio of girls to boys boxes.Our daughter saw on OCC Facebook that the 10-14 boy category is very underrepresented, so we designated one of our two family boxes for a teenage boy.

  3. OCC is an amazing outreach to 'The Least of These' - impacting children and families for eternity. Go Boys!!

    1. I love how it's so simple and accessible - most everyone we know can pack a shoebox!
      And then the amazing logistics of delivery begin to churn...


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