

21 September 2016

Almost Autumn - Missoula, Montana

"WHAT is there sadd'ning in the Autumn leaves?
Have they that "green and yellow melancholy"

That the sweet poet spake of? Had he seen

Our variegated woods, when first the frost

Turns into beauty all October's charms—

...With a bright bow of many colours hung

Upon the forest tops—he had not sigh'd...."


  1. Our trees are beginning their sorrow-sweet tinting and thinning here as well. thank-you for sharing these beauts of photo and the second stanza too;
    The trees cast down their fruitage, and the blithe
    And busy squirrel hoards his winter store:
    While man enjoys the breeze that sweeps along
    The bright blue sky above him, and that bends
    Magnificently all the forest's pride

    1. Yes! Part of the delight in compiling this blog is the search for lovely phrases to accompany, and thus the finding - or sometimes re-finding - of poems that just beg to be read aloud for sheer pleasure - how can you read 'and the blithe and busy squirrel' and not smile to see him in your imagination!


Your thoughts, please?